NOTE: The below article contains updates to a post made by Central Texas ARA earlier this week.
Photographer Brendon West has been exposed by Central Texas ARA as a highly active member of Alt-Right circles who has been working to compile and publish doxx about various leftists, both locally around Central Texas and Nationally. (link above)
“Brendon West (aliases include Vlka Fenrika, Fenrika Foxtrot, and Foxtrot DEVGRU) is an alt-right activist and leader of “Anticommunist Action” (ANTICOM). He has photographed and attempted to dox NLG volunteers and others in Central Texas. West led the effort to dox Spenser Rapone, a West Point student expelled from the Army for anti-imperialist statements.”
The Professional associates of Brendon West (alias Fenrika Foxtrot, Vlka Fenrika, etc.) have attempted to cast doubt on the ItsGoingDown article documenting Brendon’s fascistic behavior. Jacob Stone of Phantom6Productions went so far as to call the article “fake”.
Jacob Stone did not make clear what particular piece of information he considered false, but we will conclusively demonstrate here that:
1.) Fenrika Foxtrot is Brendon West
2.) Brendon West has been involved in the doxing of legal aid volunteers, anti-confederate protestors, and others.
3.) Brendon West has disseminated fascist material including podcasts from FashTheNation and The Daily Shoah, articles from The Daily Stormer, and more.
Our fight is not with Brendon’s professional contacts. We are not accusing Phantom6Productions or Jacob of any racist activity. All they are asked to do is make clear they will cease association with Brendon. If they insist instead on lying, defending Brendon, and forcefully denying reality we will be unable to help them.
1.) Fenrika Foxtrot is Brendon West
This is undeniable. Brendon West has been tagged and named numerous times as Fenrika Foxtrot, as shown below. Brendon is pictured wearing a campaign t-shirt for the alt-right candidate Paul Nehlen. Here and in numerous other instances Brendon is tagged by Fairy Godmother Ninja productions as Fenrika Foxtrot.
Brendon West is also listed as the owner of Libertus7 productions on LinkedIn and elsewhere. Here is Fenrika Foxtrot taking credit for Libertus7 videos, further proving that Fenrika Foxtrot is Brendon West.
2.) Brendon West doxxing people
“Vlka”, one of Brendon’s aliases screenshotted earlier (Vlka Fenrika III), is referred to in the “Front and Center” Patriot Front Discord server here.
Below, Brendon brags on multiple occasions about doxing Spenser Rapone, and posts photos of National Lawyer’s Guild members:
3.) Brendon West sharing fascist material and associating with Nazis
Below, Brendon shares a FashTheNation podcast featuring antisemitic candidate Paul Nehlen:

Below, Brendon shares an image (perhaps of his own creation) celebrating “Unite The Right”, the rally in Charlottesville that lead to injury and death just two days before his posting.

Below, Brendon (with Camera) attends a political rally alongside Neo-Nazi Ken Reed (Red Hat):

Below, Brendon shares an article from the DailyStormer, a site so racist multiple companies have refused to host it:

It is undeniable that Brendon West is an active fascist.
With all that said, why defend him? His friends know this. His professional contacts know this. Some, who have chosen to defend him, apparently find children getting tear gassed at the border to be funny, and consider him to be the “ultimate internet troll.”
We are here to remind Brendon and all who would foolishly defend him that we don’t consider Nazis very funny at all. His professional contacts are not, for now, our primary concern. We do not have reason to believe that Stone himself is involved in any political activity or overt racism and we do not consider him a fascist. But attempting to deceive the public, and calling the truth a lie, in the defense of a Fascist can change their situation as rapidly as they wish.
All statements made in the original article are factual, none of it is false, and there is no denying the truth of these claims.
If Brendon cared about his friends, he would simply own up to his errors publicly and make a real correction to his behavior instead of making colleagues tell embarrassing, disgraceful lies that help no one.
For now, do your part to alert the following sites to Brendon’s far-right proclivities:
Please contact these studios on Facebook and ask them to publicly explain their (current or prior) association with Brendon and to clarify that it will not continue: